Park School is governed by The Park School Council. A voluntary group of dedicated and passionate individuals who have come together to lead the school as it approaches 40 years. The Council collectively believe in the unique and special education that Park School provides and are a important part of Park School's thriving community.

Find out more about our Council via our information pack below.

If you need to speak to our Council about any concerns or interest you may have, please don't hesitate to contact our Chair of Governors - Melody Easter on

Park School Policies

Policies that may help you to understand Park School are easily viewed by clicking the links below.  Alternatively, a hard copy may be obtained from the office. Please ask if you need any help finding what you want.

Please note

The unique education Park School provides in practice is underpinned by many Policies. We are in the process of reviewing and updating all Park School policies as we develop our new curriculum and grow.

All our policies are held centrally and are available to you via an email to Please let us know if there is anything you would like a copy off and we will share our most current document. Please note that in addition to those available above, the following are available: Curriculum, Behaviour and Relationships, Anti-Bullying, PSHE - Personal, Social, Health and Economic Learning, RSE - Relationships and Sex Education, Attendance, First Aid, Safer Recruitment, Admissions, Health and Safety, Risk Assessment, Tree Climbing and Our Park School Accessibility Plan.

* There has been a total of 1 complaint during academic year 2023 - 2024. This complaint was resolved at stage 1.

School Information Packs